
Sunday, 20 April 2014

The latest innovation from Japan

I'm a sucker for gimmicks and I'm addicted to cosmetics which is why my friend knew I'd be desperate to try the latest innovative skincare tool that's travelled over from Japan. This particular friend is addicted to bargains and was browsing QVC when she spotted the 'Slim Cera Facial Roller' and promptly bought it (for £25 instead of, wait for it, £170!)

Although it looks uncannily similar to a bottle opener, as the name suggests the tool is actually a facial massager that is rolled across the skin in an effort to revitalise the skin and draw out impurities. At £170 it's potentially one of the most absurdly expensive tools I've tried.

The roller has been designed to mimic the motions the skin experiences at the hands of a facialist, with the movement stimulating the muscles beneath. The rollers are 'diamond cut' to remove dirt and debris from pores - declogging them, leaving the skin clean and fresh - and are made from a number of minerals that are supposed to smooth the skin. 

The idea is to roller your bare face three times a day for three minutes at a time for optimal results -but can a roller really make that much of a difference?

The benefits of massage are widely publicised; relaxing the muscles in the face reduces the appearance and the creation of wrinkles, and the movement and pressure stimulates the lymphatic system which drains away toxins. However, I'm skeptical that a gadget with a £170 price tag will produce results much superior to using a good cleanser and your own fingers - but for the sake of £25 I'm willing to try it!

I'll update soon with results

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